Sometimes people change their mind and we understand that. Which is why we are happy to inform you that you will have 30 days to return your order and receive a full refund. You also have the option of just exchanging your product (once per order, per item) with another item. Just contact us and we will take care of the rest.
You can aslo cancel your order and receive a full refund up to 24hrs before your order is scheduled to arrive at your location. If you had to cancel your order within 24hrs of your delivery, you will be charges our lowest flat rate of CAD 49 plus CAD 19 for re-scheduling the driver.
We kindly ask you to only return the items that are in as-new condition. Products with scratches, stains, damages, drilling, or other modifications cannot be returned.
Returning the products requires for you to just simply re-package them in the same way that they arrives. You already discarded the packaging? Not to worry, just pay the re-packing fee and our expert team will take of it for you.
Return shipping fee
The return shipping cost could be either CAD 49 or CAD 99. If your product is outside your building and ready to be picked up , you will only have to pay CAD 49; However, if you would need our team to pick them up from inside your office, we would charge you CAD 99.
Please note this charges are all based on the fact that the products are already in their original packaging. A separate fee will be issued if the products need to be re-packaged.
Inspecting the returned goods
Our team will process your return within 72 hr of arriving in our warehouse. Once we've determined that they are in as-new condition, we will process your return and issue a refund.
Please note that depending on your card issuer's policy, it may take up to 10 business days for your refund to appear on your credit statement.
Custom order and other services
Please note that custom orders and additional service fees paid are non-refundable.
This includes fees paid for in-room delivery, for assembly service, and for delivery and returns beyond our standard shipping zone.